Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Self-Actualization Trends in the Digital World

Self-Actualization Trends in the Digital World: " Assuming that most of us can rest assured that there's a roof over our heads and food on the table, the democratization of technology means that more and more people can have opportunities to author and create aspects of their lives in entirely new ways."

There is a new freedom once the basics are taken care of. This begs the question of how best to take care of the basics, but the answer is, I think, in the community. Where we have community source for software, we should have community tacit knowledge about how to use software. Often, technology, finds it's feet in ways that were not originally envisioned. Only through the trial and error process of engineering, use and reuse does the real capability emerge. A community infrastructure is the best way to quickly identify, nurture and evolve the capability of a new technology. If the technology satisfied one of the basic needs then the motivation is with us all to share in the community, we can then get back to the more important self-actualization.

For the business of course this means bringing more innovation to the market :-)

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