Friday, September 23, 2005

The dichotomy of hard versus valuable and an interest in the business side of things

From I, Cringely, NerdTV, Max Levchin makes a nice observation about engineers when asked about the need to understand the business side of things:
".... I think there's a huge benefit to knowing what it is you're working for. And there's definitely - one of the typical pitfalls in the world of engineering - and I don't mean to slight my fellow engineers, but - is this dichotomy of hard versus valuable. And lots of engineers mistake hard for valuable."

There is no point spending hours figuring out a hard problem if no one cares about the solution, valuable problems are ones that are tied to markets so a bit of business Savvy is important!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A perfect example of internet enabled spontaneous collaboration. infoware provides a useful service, keeping your favorites together and accessible from any internet cafe, but the process of using it creates even more value.
Everyone gets to benefit by the sensible tagging of an individual. It is like an expert filtered google, in that all the references are already especially chosen for their content.
It is like a small bit of sense multiplied by everyone!