Thursday, September 20, 2007

Walled Garden == Padded Cell

From a recent podcast on Asterisk and VoIP I heard this quote:
"There is not much difference between a walled garden and a padded cell"
Though humorous and accurate in the context incumbent telephone operators, I think it has more broad relevance. Having just finished an insightful book on mistakes and self justification, it is clear that there are a whole host of potential problems associated with closed groups, isolation and protectionism.
Longer term, I guess walled gardens are just doomed to stagnation which of itself is enough to drive one mad!.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Collaboratory - latest new word

Some days it nice to see progress reflected in the written language through the acceptance of new words. This one will be a humdinger as every R&D lab embraces open innovation that is enabled by the combination of pervasive computer networks and the social acceptance of computers as a communications mechanism.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Druid Leaves me speechless…

The subject matter is harrowing, prepare to be moved. Lucy Caldwell script is so in tune, the reality and inevitability of scenes emerge from our own experiences. But most of all it is the complexity of emotions and the completeness of character portrayal that make the evening so special. I will never forget “I only came up to tell you the dinner was ready”. Where there is love there is life and where there is theatre like this, life is better.