Tuesday, May 24, 2005

legal protection, possibly the true value of ASF for new projects

In an interview with the server side, Greg Stein Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) talks about one of the key value propositions:
"..., but what they wanted was sort of the legal oversight, the legal protection that the Apache software foundation provides to its committers. So, at the ASF all the committers are shielded from like lawsuits and other types of claims against them by the ASF. The ASF will be the party in any potential lawsuit. "

The PMC "oversight" process ensures that there is open IP disclosure and no hidden legal rat holes. Of course there is the Apache brand, but that means more to the users of open source than to the producers. The incubator and community ensures that the projects have value in them selves, the ASF ensures that the license can be trusted. For corporate IT, this sort of trust is vital.

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